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Longer Laser B1 40W Engraving Machine(44-48W Output Power)

1. Enhances cutting capabilities by 20%

highly concentrated laser beam and can cut 40mm basswood and 50mm acrylic

2. 17.72 x 17.32" engraving area, especially ideal for A3 panels

3. Engaving speed up to 36,000mm/min, 32-bit chipset

4. Equipped with smart Air-Assist system automatically controlled by lightburn

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Best Choices

Longer Laser B1 40W Engraving Machine(44-48W Output Power)

1. Enhances cutting capabilities by 20%

highly concentrated laser beam and can cut 40mm basswood and 50mm acrylic

2. 17.72 x 17.32" engraving area, especially ideal for A3 panels

3. Engaving speed up to 36,000mm/min, 32-bit chipset

4. Equipped with smart Air-Assist system automatically controlled by lightburn

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Longer RAY5 20W Laser Engraver(22-24W Output Power)

1. Capable of cutting through materials like 25mm pinewood, 35mm acrylic and 0.05mm stainless steel

2. Ultra-fine 0.08 x 0.1mm focus point

3. Multi-color engraving on metal surfaces

4. X/Y-axis limit switches, as well as 5 safety measures

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Longer RAY5 20W Laser Engraver(22-24W Output Power)

1. Capable of cutting through materials like 25mm pinewood, 35mm acrylic and 0.05mm stainless steel

2. Ultra-fine 0.08 x 0.1mm focus point

3. Multi-color engraving on metal surfaces

4. X/Y-axis limit switches, as well as 5 safety measures

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Creative Accessories

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The World's First 12W Portable Laser Engraver