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FDM 3D printers on the market usually work at 12V or 24V. The choice is made based on the characteristics of the product, the type of user to whom it is intended, and also the production costs; however, even if the operation of a printer is identical, regardless of the working voltage, there are clear differences depending on whether the operation is based on 12V or 24V.
In physics, it is shown that the electric power (Watt) is the multiplication between the voltage (Volt) and the intensity of electric current (Ampere), i.e. P = V * I ; therefore, with the same power, as the voltage increases, the current decreases (and vice versa). In addition, the charge carriers that make up the electric current generate heat by moving inside the conductors, so the higher the current intensity, the greater the charge carriers, the greater the heat that develops. In fact, for this reason the power lines that transport electricity from one part of the various continents and nations to another operate at high voltage, as this allows the use of cables of lesser thickness (less passage of current) with the same power supplied; then, only locally the transport takes place at domestic voltage (110V / 230V), so as to be compatible with domestic electrical equipment.
Based on these premises, it becomes much easier to understand that an FDM 3D printer operating at 24V can have the following advantages:
This means less heating of the cables and connectors on the mainboard, minimizing the risk of connector fire and overheating of the mainboard's smd components, resulting in irreversible damage.
For these reasons, Longer FDM 3D printers operate at 24V, so that we can offer all customers the best possible product.