
Introduction to different types of lasers
Laser is produced by the process of stimulated radiation and is the abbreviation of "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation". Stimulated emission was proposed by Einstein in 1917, and Dirac first experimentally proved the existence of stimulated emission in...
TCHC TR6 Anti Leakage Hotend
The Hotend is the part of an FDM 3D printer that deals with the melting and deposition of molten plastic material. A Hotend consists of a Nozzle that deals with depositing the molten material, a Heatblock that deals with the...
Mesh Bed Levelling for LK4PRO & LK5PRO
LO  Some users of Longer FDM printers prefer to use a BL-TOUCH automatic leveling system in order to obtain more precise and higher quality prints, as well as making the printing bed leveling process easier and more immediate. However, the...